Thursday, July 1, 2010

To Do or Not To Do

I go back to university on the 12th of July, which leaves me with only 11 more days of holiday! As such, I've decided to work like a crazy person in the next few days and then have a proper holiday before term starts. As such, there are quite a few things that I need to do:
  • sort out my research. This basically involves organising and typing up the questionnaires that I plan to use. I also need to start finding participants (i.e. lab rats), which usually involves using and abusing friends and relatives. Having had no time for my research for the last 3 weeks, I now really need to get cracking, especially since my supervisor sent me an email yesterday (probably to check if I'm still alive!).
  • finish my application forms for Masters courses and get all the documentation together. Yes, I'm putting myself through the process again!
  • edit and put up photos from the World Cup and graduation.
  • finish decorating my study. This involves touching up some of the paint, finding my gran's collection of Buddha's, moving the TV set into a less annoying position and buying a thrown and matching cushion
  • sort out the chaos which is my bedroom cupboard (and maybe go for counselling afterwards - it's that bad!)
  • bake biscuits for He of Many Sports Injuries, who is having a really tough time at work at the moment.

I think that's it. Probably not, but at least I'll be busy for a while - and still have enough time to relax a bit before term begins!

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